Friday, 28 October 2011

when you go shopping........

you should always have your shopper on you! Well at least I always try to as I'm sure you're all aware we need to stop using those pesky carrier bags. So to encourage people to use shopper bags I've tried to spruce them up a bit and make them not only something to carry your fruit & veg in but also a bit of a fashion statement. I shall be selling these at the monthly Old Mother Hubbarb Market in Fuel but I have also booked my 1st xmas market in Prestwich so need to build up my stock!
Most of the applique used on the 2 calico bags is from recycled fabric and the striped bag is fabric donated to me by a friend when she was moving down to London.

TBH this is how I have come across most of my fabric as i can't bare to see it be thrown away, sadly this does mean although I am in the biggest room in the house I am already running out of space!
Yet when we had a clear out at work did I turn down the fabric we were throwing out, NOPE! Already started a cushion with some of it, shall post a picture once finished.

And yes I've mentioned Christmas because it really is not that far away! Don't get my wrong I love Christmas but not the fact it gets shoved down your throat for 3 months in advance. But alas being a crafter who also has a full time job I've had to start preparing now as not only to I need to make stock for the market I also have to make presents for my darling family!

So be sure to see updates on all the presents I shall also be making over the next 2 months. So far all I've made a start on is a scarf I'm knitting for my friend.
Will keep you posted.


  1. I love these bags Kel! And you sell them at bargain prices!! They're really lovely! You're right about christmas too, I feel really unprepared and Now it's december!! Ooops! Maybe one day I'll get the balance right...get started in September!! x
