Sunday, 9 October 2011

From Graze box to Gift Box

If you've not heard of it Graze is a snack box you can buy online. It's supposed to encourage healthy eating, you go online select what nuts, seeds, fruit etc you like and each week they send you a snack box with 4 different selections in. Anyway after sampling a free trial I thought how the box's would make good gift box's. So as I do with so much would be rubbish/stuff I kept it and put it aside to do something with at a later date.

So finally many many months later, it really takes me a long time to get round to turning said ideas into something real, I got round to having a go at turning said graze box into a gift box.

First of all I needed to make something to make the box stay fully closed as it opened slightly unless stuck down. So I cut a slot in the bottom to thread some tape through, then stitched down a button to wrap the tape around. I then cut out 3 different pieces of some floral wrapping paper I've been storing. I piece to cover the graze logo on the front then 2 bigger pieces to cover the images on the inner of the box and where I had secured the tape.

Then I just needed to fill the box with gifts! I made a plain card of spotted fabric with a floral stuffed heart, A owl brooch, a small bag of buttons and some tape.

Am pretty pleased with the end result and can make lot’s of different types depending on the paper I use etc. So watch this space for more creations.


  1. GENius!! I really really LOVE these, you could turn them into Crafty Ginge DIY crafty Kits...with all the stuff for making an owl, pin cushion OR "My First Sewing kit" and then some little instructions...they could make a pin cushion, needle book and 1st sewing project...they would make such a lovely present for older children or grown-ups!!! (oh and by the way...I take aaaages sometimes to create my ideas, the bags i have planned and put off making since, erm 2006!!! ha!) x
