Tuesday, 17 April 2012

From shirt to cushion

I've had the below shirt in my 'pile to do something with' for a long time now, I loved the fabric and because it's quite a big shirt thought I could turn it into a few lovely things.

So of course my mind went to cushions! I've also had this design in mind for a long time but like so many of my ideas never seem to fin the time to make it. So after a boost of energy and inspiration I decided to get started on my 'Cockney Rhyming Slang' cushion. I've always liked the idea of combing images with the slang and the easiest and most obvious rhyming slang is 'Apple and Pears = Stairs'.
So I decided the shirt would be the back and the pear part of the cushion, some left over green spotty fabric for the apple and my felt stash for the leaves and letters.
And below is the finished result! I must say I'm quite pleased.

This will be on sale at the 2 markets I'll be doing this weekend, Saturday I will be at Stockport Town Hall and Parbold Village Hall. Busy weekend.

Friday, 6 April 2012


Recently my making has taken a slight owl themed turn. After my first owl cushions and brooches were snapped up I started making a little owl family.

The stuffed owl was made from a shirt that I bought in a charity shop and wadded with completely recycled materials. I'm glad to say he was snapped up and my last Old Mother Hubbard and has gone to a good home.
I'm will be making more of these little guys over the next few weeks so will keep you updatd with pictures.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

New Photos

Yet again I must apologise for my absence on the blog front. Life just seem's to get in the way a lot lately!
Before Christmas my friend Alison Hoyles had done my the great offer of asking to use Crafty Ginge for her University Photography project. So all my bits and bobs were carted off for a proper photoshoot (don't worry no nude shots) and turned into a beautiful book made out of recycled fabrics. I'm still waiting to see the finished piece and I can't wait!

So I wanted to share some of these lovely photographs with you.

I am booked to do more markets over the next few month's so I shall do my upmost to keep you updated. But for now good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.